Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goodbye 2007, Hello Future

It's 31st December. The end of 2007. Tomorrow, another year begins.

Let's do a little re-cap.

My 2007 started with a big change in my life. I got engaged in March. Can't believe it until now. Still can't believe it.

At this point of time, I realised that there are changes in life which you have to decide for the future. Marriage is one of them.

2008 will start with me trying my best to prepare myself for the big day. The akad and the reception. I have to make sure everything will run smoothly. Most importantly, to get myself ready for the future, with him. Will I be able to go through the life after marriage? Will I be a good wife? Will I be a mom? Will we live happily ever after?

I have to be realistic. I know I shouldn't be worrying too much bout it. Everybody (well, at least most people) has gone through it. I think with love, patience, understanding and iman we would survive till the end. Jodoh and Ajal are in Allah's hands. I pray for it to last till the very last breath.

In 2007, few friends of mine got married. Pejun & Bagok, Qayya, Juhaini, Milla & Mohsein. Kinu, Shaz, Haslina, Ilya & Ed. Not forgotten two of my 'guy friends' (if you get what I mean..ahaha) got married also. Congratulations. One of them whom I didn't expect to get married at this age, knowing his personality. Maybe he has changed. Yeah, probably.

Two friends (Al and Jastina) delivered boys. I'm sure they are happy and excited for the new life in their small family. Same goes to my brother and sister. Although the newborns are not their first ones, they are as excited as ever.

2007 has open my eyes wider to the world around me. The meaning of violence, corruption and hatered has been unfolded.

The world is full of rubbish. It's like a huge bin. Everything rot and bad is inside it.

My sympathy to Nurin Jazlin is undefineable. Such an innocent life, taken by brutality. And so does other lives. I pray for their peace up there.

2007 is a year full of realities. The truth which has never been revealed before.

Are we ready for the future? For better or worse?

Let's raise our hands and berdoa to Allah for a better year, 2008. Amin.

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