Saturday, April 24, 2010

En. Omar

Omar's my husband. He's not rich, never been rich. But his kindness captured my attention.

I always whinge when it comes to money. On how hard to save and at the same time letting the idea of buying my fav things due to my financial position. He keeps on reminding how lucky we are that we don't have to rent our house, travel far to our workplace etc. Come to think of what he says, I believe he's right. So, there we are, with our wish list waiting for it to be realised.

Last week, after 7 months of patiently waiting, we finally got our property re-financed. It helluva long process and obstacles in between. We plan to fix our tiny place. Soon the wak will come and buat apa yg patut. I just don't know what to do with our stuff... Mostly our wedding gifts. I've been thinking to sell off the ones with duplicates. But when I think of it, it's not proper to sell off, people gave them as my wedding present. Tapi kalau dah toaster ada 4 and jug kettle/water heater ada 5 would I use all of them? And of course I would only use whichever I think the best among all, right? I could sell them off and get some money to buy new stuff for our home. Hmmm. That's why registering your wedding gifts is important, actually but sayang, it's not our culture. I once told my dad about my intention to do so but he said "We can't fix what people would want to buy for our wedding. Suka hati orang tu la nak bagi u apa." Ok. Say no more kalau tak my dad will blab about it the whole of my adult life.

So, ok. Back to my husband.

I think he's super cute and nice when he bought me this just now:

Pink RIDER slip-on

And those are the most expensive slippers I've ever had. I mean slippers, not shoes ok. I would not pay RM50++ for just slippers! The reason being why he gave me those is simple; "I kesian tgk slipper u Bata yg u pakai masa u pregnant dulu".

That's why I love En. Omar.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Iqbal turns ONE


My prayer goes to Allah the Almighty for giving me and my family rezeki. My baby boy has turned one last 12th February. We did as planned. A birthday bash for him. It was fun but the weather that day was very very HOT. That was the day when the mother nature decided to make the earth warmer than ever. Seriously.

It was held at my parents'. Most of my relatives came, my cousins especially. Not forgetting those who refuse to come, the PJ-yian. I heard they went somewhere, I don't givva damn. Nak datang, datang la. Taknak datang, sudah. Maybe I shouldn't talk about it coz it'll spoil my entry. So let me strike through. Owh. But I don't know how to do that. Nevermind.

The kids had fun on that day. I've organised some games and prepared few presents for the winners. I was the MC on that day. My friends said I can be an MC for kiddies parties. Yeah rite LOL

When I first planned the party, I told myself to get a cake with no. 1 shape. Just like what Ibu got for me during my first birthday party. I still remember how it looked like. I saw it on my childhood photo album. The cake is huge. Like super huge, with chocolate rice all over the border. It was a butter cream cake and it had cherries on top of it.

I told the cake maker to make it exactly like what I had when I was one, only this time with edible The Wonder Pets image on top of it. It turned out to be okayyy but instead of choc rice on the border, the cake maker put choc studs made of butter cream. I guess it's probably the modern version of choc rice kot... Nevertheless, it tasted good. It was strawberry sandwich with choc butter cream. How cool is that?

The No. 1 Cake

Iqbal? Well well what can I say. He was cranky and moody all day long!