Saturday, October 17, 2009

Not the time, yet

Since we got married, we stay in our flat which my husband bought few years ago. Thinking how small the house is and my detestation towards the environment, I managed to influence my husband to find for another place.

It all started when we visited friends who have bought their own house which are nice and urm ok, nice. I started to think perhaps we should make our move.

We were searching for the right one - the price, area, land type, location etc. I found few interesting ones but they seem to have something missing. Be it the pricing, the soil type or size of the house, there would be at least one thing which turns me off.

Somewhere along the way, I had a lil conversation with a friend:-

K: I heard you're looking for a new house.
E: Yup. Looking for a landed one but not more than *00k.
K: Tunggu la. You're still young. Even I bought my house pun when I'm reaching 40.
E: U-huh?
K: U nak ke beli rumah sekarang where u can actually find better ones in the future, just wait for your EPF to double up. Probably that time you would work in some other places. And you would regret for buying a house far from work.
E: Urmm...
K: Just think about it ok. The time will come. Of course everyone wants a nice house, landed property but it's ok to live in where you are now. After all it's your own house. Jangan terburu-buru...
E: Ya lah. You're right.

I went back later that evening and had a long chat with my husband. He agreed every bit. He said we should be thankful that the house is not rented and although it's small, it's easier to manage. We'll go as planned, to refurbish it by end of the year coz we'll probably going to hang in there for at least 5 years before buying another crib.

Later that night I scrubbed the kitchen, wipe the windows and do whatever I could before heading to bed.

Good night my mouse house. I'll be with you until the time sets our separation.

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